4 Links for the Ibanez Tube Screamer Newbie
Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 12:11AM
Az Samad in Recording, The Creative Process, Videos, ibanez tube screamer

I just did a video comparing the Ibanez Tube Screamer Overdrive Pro TS-808 Reissue to a Mooer Green Mile Overdrive pedal.

This made me very curious about the whole history of Tube Screamers. While researching about it, I found some cool links. Here are four that stood out. If you're new to the phenomenom of the Tube Screamer, this will get you started.

Here are the 4 links: 

1. Tube Screamer genealogy

This guide introduces the different variants of the Tube Screamer family, including those currently in production. A good place to start!

2. Can the Ibanez TS808 Reissue be Modded for Exact Vintage TS808 Tone? 

A discussion about modding the currently available TS808 Reissue into a Vintage TS808. Very geekie & has pictures of the circuits + mods that they did to test this out.

3. MohoMods Guide to Ibanez Tube Screamers

An intro to recognizing the Tube Screamer variants. A guide for buyers looking on eBay for the warm tone.

4. Ibanez Official Tube Screamer Page

 This is the official page. It's what they have in store for you at the moment. If you're looking for a new pedal (not the vintage ones) - this is a good page to check out. Then, you can google the prices for your dream pedal afterwards.

If you're curious about the video I did (that started my whole quest to learn more about Tube Screamers), here it is:

How do they compare? What are your thoughts? 


If you like the sound of the Mooer...
The Mooer Green Mile Overdrive Pedal is available for purchase!


You can buy this pedal (brand new) for RM299 (including free shipping within Malaysia)


Please fill this form for your order inquiry:



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