I'm in NewMan magazine! =)
Friday, September 27, 2013 at 9:34AM
Az Samad in Collaboration, NewMan, Performances, Photoblog, The AZ Guide to a DIY European Tour, The Creative Process

Thanks Celeste for the article, Yin for making everything epic, all my friends that made #azontour possible and the NewMan team for supporting the local Malaysian indie music scene.

An excerpt:

"Sometimes, you may get lucky and big things happen to you. You see all these big success and you hope things could be that instant. Unfortunately, for most people, it takes longer. If you're not in that demographic, you have to go the long way round, and build everything step by step. You're not accountable to anyone but yourself."

NewMan, Sept '13: The Az Guide to a DIY European Tour


[Click here to read the PDF version of the article]

[Click here to read the PDF version of the article]

Related Links:

Official Europe 2013 Tour Page 
[FB Photo Album] Behind The Scenes: Media Interview with newman magazine
FB Post on the Article



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Article originally appeared on Az Samad || Official Website (http://www.azsamad.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.