New Solo Guitar Release: Love Letters EP

A message from Az:
My new EP, a follow up to the 2010 album Emo Attack Turtle, is going to be released on June 1, 2011 which is about 20 minutes from now. By that time, you can listen to the full record on my Bandcamp page. This new EP was recorded in the same way my last CD was, all one take recordings in a single session. It is all-improvised but this time inspired by love and different facets of love. In a way, these are love letters if they were written with the acoustic guitar instead of a pen, or a typewriter, or a computer. I've been in and out of love, had crushes and been crushed and everywhere in between. I figure, like any artist, it's best to make something out of it. This is it. Enjoy!
With love,
Much thanks to Vince Go of VGo Recordings for his audio mixing skills on this CD!