New Video Lesson Course Coming Soon: Fingerstyle Guitar 101

Coming soon! =)
For any guitarist who wants to begin playing fingerstyle in 2015...
This is a video lesson course with notation/tab PDFs so you can study at your own pace at home.
Az Samad Fingerstyle Guitar Academy
Intro to Right Hand Technique
• Imagine playing a melody on guitar and then adding the bassline - and then the chords to it.
• Imagine making it sound as if there were two or more guitarists playing but instead when people look, it's only one person and a guitar!
• Imagine creating a sound that's like an orchestra on a single guitar!
This is the world of fingerstyle guitar.
Names like Tommy Emmanuel, Don Ross, Chet Atkins, Michael Hedges, Alex de Grassi, Thomas Leeb, Sungha Jung, Mike Dawes and more all play their own brand of fingerstyle guitar. What unites them is an understanding of the fundamentals. How to hold the guitar, how to make the kind of sounds that makes people cry and get into a trance when you play guitar.
In this course, you’ll learn 3 fingerstyle guitar pieces. These are intended to be short pieces tightly condensed with a lot of technical and musical information. Although you will be able to play these pieces after studying them in this course, the main goal is to actually understand the concepts behind them - to understand how I’m playing these pieces. The results you’ll get by really digging deep into the videos is that you’ll start to see what to practice and how to practice these techniques. Later on, you’ll be able to use the same techniques on songs you may already play or new ones with more conviction, better tone and stronger delivery.
There are 3 modules in this course. Each covers a particular approach of fingerstyle guitar playing. By understanding the strengths of each approach, you will be able to make a better decision on what technique you want to pursue further.
More info coming soon! =)
In the meantime, check out lesson packs available here: