#azjazzlessons #5: How to Play Jazz Blues Like Joe Pass

For jazz guitarists & jazz improvisors:
#azjazzlesson #todayIlearned
So I'm trying to learn something new everyday by documenting what I learned from watching a YouTube video. Today I looked for something from Joe Pass and watched this blues performance.
Introduction Ideas
1) You can play rubato jazz lines over the blues progression, spicing it up with passing chords in between.
2) Use open bass string when possible
3) Vary ideas by including double stops
4) Set the time/groove later on after this introduction
5) Use chord cycles to give more motion at cadence areas
Soloing Ideas
6) Use sequences to build longer phrases in both single note lines and chord melody
7) Use double time lines in between shorter melodic phrases to build interest
8) Use legato phrasing to help play faster lines
9) Use sequence based lines to propel the line at dominant area resolving to the next part
10) Be open to use strumming rhythms to help build the solo
11) Use bluesy phrases at the end of section to bring it back
12) Use call and response (repeating the same phrase in different octaves) to double the mileage of lines you create
#joepass #jazzsolo #improvisation #jazzguitar #guitar
If you're interested to learn more in depth, lessons are available worldwide via Skype & in person in Kuala Lumpur.
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