#azjazzlessons #8: How to Play Like Jim Hall and Bill Frisell

For jazz guitarists & jazz improvisors:
#azjazzlesson #8 #todayIlearned
So I'm trying to learn something new everyday by documenting what I learned from watching a YouTube video. Today I looked for something from Jim Hall & found this duo video with him and Bill Frisell.
Here's what I learned:
Jim Hall
Soloing Ideas
1) Play a small motive & alternate with chord stabs to give time to sequence the idea
2) Use space to create the opportunity to sequence and develop motivic ideas
Textural ideas
3) Use 4th voicings to make your line sound like it’s going through a harmonizer
Bill Frisell
Textural Ideas
4) Build rhythmic single note idea into octave and then double stops
5) Play a single note line and then end in a dissonant double stop.
6) End phrases on a note and then play two more notes on different strings to sustain into a voicing.
Phrasing Ideas
7) Use an open string to facilitate position shifts in a phrase
#billfrisell #jimhall #jazzsolo #improvisation #jazzguitar#guitar
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