Az Samad - Our Voice

What would it be like if you could have a song on an album that was inspired by you ?
What if, that song -- your song -- could communicate any message you want the world to hear?
What would you say?
What would your message be?
I'd like to know.
Which is why I'm looking for 10 inspirational titles from purposeful individuals with a message for the people.
Here's how it will work:
10 songs, 10 days.
I give a theme.
You give me a song title.
Everyone votes.
The song title with the most votes is the song of the day.
I write and record a song inspired by that title.
The person who suggested it gets to write one paragraph about the title and
what it means to them.
And then our songs with your message get released. To the world.
Sept 1st to Sept 10th.
Everyone who collaborates will get a mention on the album inlay text.
That includes you. =)
Join in and be a part of the creative process.
Let's make something meaningful together this Merdeka.
Our Voice in harmony on one guitar.
[Join Our Voice on Facebook] [Join Our Voice on Twitter]
Listen to the songs:
Sept 1 2011 [Day 1] Theme: Love
One of these some-days
title by Natasha Humera Ejaz
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of One of these some-days]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 2 2011 [Day 2] Theme: Hope
Intangible Hope
title by @shaqyl
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 3 2011 [Day 3] Theme: Peace
Rivers of tranquility
title by Yin
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of Rivers of tranquility]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 4 2011 [Day 4] Theme: Understanding
the give and take
title by Alda Evan
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of the give and take]
limited to 100 downloads!
Colour of love
title by @embunmadu
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 5 2011 [Day 5] Theme: Happiness
Smile in a face of a Child
title by Daphne Lee
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of Smile in the face of a Child]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 6 2011 [Day 6] Theme: Dreams
purest dreamer
title by @embunmadu
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of purest dreamer]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 7 2011 [Day 7] Theme: Serendipity
The Possible Miracle
title by Raja Azidah Raja Jaafar
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of The Possible Miracle]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 8 2011 [Day 8] Theme: Friendship
Connected through time and space
title by Carrie Jahde
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of Connected through time and space]
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 9 2011 [Day 9] Theme: Change
It's Long Overdue
title by Yap Cheng Lit
limited to 100 downloads!
Sept 10 2011 [Day 10] Theme: Food
I thought I was full and then I saw you...
title by Natasha Humera Ejaz
[CLICK HERE FOR FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of I thought I was full and then I saw you...]
limited to 100 downloads!
FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]
1. How long is this going on for?
10 days. Sept 1st to Sept 10th 2011.
2. I'm in [insert your current location]. Can I enter?
Yes! This is open to anyone, anywhere in the world with access to an Internet connection.
3. How does it work?
Everyday, Sept 1st to Sept 10th 2011, I will announce a theme for the day. You can suggest a song title and then later during the day, everyone votes for their favorite song title. The one with the most votes wins and I will write a song inspired by it. If you win, you also get to write a one-paragraph description about what the title means to you.
4. I don't play an instrument/I don't play music. Can I still take part?
Totally! Yes! =)
5. What's the deadline for the title submission and voting thing?
For submissions, it's currently till 4pm (local Malaysian time) and the voting takes place from 4:30pm to 10:00pm (local Malaysian time too). It might change depending on the response but I'm trying this for now!
6. Why are you doing this?
I love collaboration and I wanted all my friends and fans to be able to join in the creative process. It's fun, it's a bit crazy and very unpredictable. Plus, I get to be inspired by song titles that I know I would never come up with!
7. Do you like playing video games?
Yes, I do. Not much time now but gosh, I do.
8. What's your favorite color?
Green. Sometimes brown. Earth shades.
9. Rumor has it you were on BFM 89.9 FM talking about this?
Your sources are correct. Did you miss the show?
[Click here for the podcast: Az Samad interview on BFM - That Music Show]
Have a question? Ask me in the comments section of this post. =)
Reader Comments (49)
I think you're MAD but i love it <3
Day One of our voice.
Today's theme: love.
What is your original inspirational song title?
Please reply and share!
One life, one home
The Passions
Know By Heart
And now time to vote!
Pick your favorite song title and I will write a song inspired by it. =)
Day Two of our voice.
Today's theme: hope.
What is your original inspirational song title?
Please reply and share!
Loving the world.
And now time to vote for Day Two of our voice!
Pick your favorite song title and I will write a song inspired by the title with the most votes by 10pm, Sept 2! =)
Vote here:
Peaceful Times.
Life wants to live. (from a Dutch(?) movie called "Antonia")
Day Three of 'our voice'.
Today's theme: peace.
What is your original inspirational song title?
Deadline for song title submissions is 4PM.
Voting is from 4:30PM to 10:30PM (local Kuala Lumpur time)
Please reply and share! =)
If only we could..
And now time to vote for Day Three of our voice!
Pick your favorite song title and I will write a song inspired by the title with the most votes by 10pm, Sept 3! =)
Vote here:
Day Four of 'our voice'.
Today's theme: understanding.
What is your original inspirational song title?
Deadline for song title submissions is 4PM.
Voting is from 4:30PM to 10:00PM (local Kuala Lumpur time)
Please reply and share! =)
No Barriers.
I see you
U n' I (ty)
Believe me..