[Creative Fridays] #4: Azmyl Yunor

For today's [Creative Fridays], I have the cool singer-songwriter/college professor Azmyl Yunor! I first met Azmyl many years ago in a underground music hub called Paul's Place. At that time, it was located in Damansara Uptown.
In fact, I have a blog post from 2004 documenting that very encounter here: [First time I met Azmyl Yunor]
Let's check out what inspires Azmyl and what he's up to now....
1. What's your latest project?
New album "Wilayah" by Azmyl Yunor & the Sigarettes! Full on folk rockin' with my touring band! Launch on Monday 5th March 2012 @ No Black Tie! Mari-mari!
2. What inspires your music?
Walking or wandering around a new town; idling while looking at nature; talking to strangers; traveling or driving somewhere; getting lost; feeling sorry for myself; empathy; the kindness of strangers; history; local food & beverages (Malaysian and anywhere I travel to);
3. What's your 5 Desert Island Albums? [ the five albums that you could listen on repeat forever]
- "Pujaan Pop" (Best of...series) - A. Romzi & the Hooks
- "Pujaan Pop" (Best of...series) - Kassim Selamat & the Swallows
- "Return of the Repressed: The Anthology" - John Fahey
- "Murmur" - R.E.M.
- "Album Best Seller Selection" (Best of...) - Iwan Fals
4. Who's one artist/musician that you love but most people probably don't know of? [you can include specific album or songs if you'd like and why you like his/her/the group's music.]
Datuk David Arumugam of Alleycats - his plaintive rough-around-the-edges voice in songs like "Hingga Akhir Nanti" and "Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu" made me wanna a sing as a kid.
5. What's an advice you wish someone told you when you started in the arts?
Do it for yourself first, everything else second.
6. How do we reach you?
Website: http://www.azmylyunor.com [currently under renovation!]
Twitter: twitter.com/azmyl
Facebook: facebook.com/azmylyunor
Email: azmylyunor@gmail.com
Blog: reverbnation.com/azmylyunor
If you liked this interview, do read other [Creative Fridays] posts here: