[Creative Fridays] #6: TragiComedy

Welcome back to [Creative Fridays] where we have TragiComedy today!
TragiComedy is the songwriting vehicle for Amitabh Chandra. Originally the frontman for the alternative rock band AmIgone back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, Tabh decided to take the solo route after the band became inactive.
Exploring singer/songwriter type of songs led to the release of the album “Songs That Won’t Sell” in 2005. The singles “Never Lonely” and “Great New Life” received significant airplay on local radio stations at the time. A second TragiComedy album entitled, “The Jester, The Clown and a Fool” is due to be released in the first quarter of 2012.
Let's learn more about what inspires this creative songwriter!
1) What's your latest project?
The first single from the next TragiComedy album will be released soon. The new album is a little more left-field than the last one, which was more straight ahead pop/rock and singer/songwriter oriented . I spent more time being adventurous on the guitar this time around and it sounds more like a band, although it’s still just me going the solo route again. It was a fun experience.
2) What inspires your music?
I just love playing the guitar. The more I play, the more inspired I am to turn whatever musical ideas I have into a song.
3) What's your 5 Desert Island Albums?
1) White Album (The Beatles)
2) Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles)
3) Either/Or (Elliot Smith)
4) Superunknown (Soundgarden)
5) Wasting Light (Foo Fighters)
4) Who's one artist/musician that you love but most people probably don't know of?
Nick Drake, although in recent years he has found renewed appreciation from a whole new generation of singer/songwriters.
5) What advice do you wish someone gave you when you started in the arts?
There is no right or wrong, good or bad when it comes to music. It’s all just taste. There are a lot of elitists out there who try to dictate what’s good and what’s not. Play the type of music you love and trust your own musical instincts. Trust your own melodies and hooks. No one can take that away from you.
6) How do we reach you?
Website: www.tragicomedysongs.com
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/tragicomedy
Facebook: TragiComedy on facebook.
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